Making Knowledge Accessible
Developing engaging learning material and innovative organisational solutions
through meaningful collaboration.
Since our inception in 2007, we have created engaging learning material and developed innovative organisational solutions for a diverse portfolio of clients in South Africa and abroad. Our dynamic team comprises a highly professional core staff and a large network of subject-matter and design experts. We are therefore able to adapt to diverse demands and produce learning content that is current, relevant, engaging, and valid. Our people and processes uphold our key values of quality, diversity, meaningful learning, and collaboration.
What We Do
Proofreading and copy editing services
Years of experience; formal training through the Wits Language School; and a love for the written word, readability, and clarity of message enables us to provide proofreading and copy-editing services. Proofreading spots and corrects superficial errors in spelling, grammar, language, punctuation, syntax, sentence construction and paragraph breaks. It should also spot and address inconsistencies. Copy editing is another layer of checking and correcting text, as it looks at structure, style, sentence construction and flow, layout, clarity, repetition, and voice. It involves corrections; suggestions for deletions or additions; rephrasing or reworking of sentences to improve clarity of message or argument; and suggested amendments for readability.
Accredited programme development
Accredited programmes provide outcomes-based learning that is aligned to specific National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards as articulated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Customised programme development
Customised programme development involves identifying a skills or development gap in an organisation and creating training content that specifically addresses this gap in order to meet predefined organisational objectives.
Customised content solutions
Intelesi’s customised content solutions include a range of niche services in the context of learning and development, organisational management and content creation, such as consulting, gap analysis, e-learning, editing, and more.
- OngoingProofreading and copy-editingProofreading and copy-editing is done as an integral part of all material development work, and we also provide these specific services to individuals and corporates with a quick turnaround time. This includes a variety of material for publication, various reports, and advertising and marketing materials.
- OngoingJoint Venture – retail insurance trainingIntelesi has struck a deal to provide accredited training within the insurance sector. This project is a powerful way of dealing with poverty, inequality and unemployment, as black brokers qualify and differentiated streams of retail insurance clients are serviced professionally.
- 2024National School of Government (NSG)Arlene has been re-appointed as an IIC (expert consultant) from April 2024-March 2027. Recently reviewed readings and lectures on intergovernmental relations, and prepared 4 IGR units with readings and activities aligned to sections of the lectures, with a clear e-learning pathway
- 2024International Labour Organisation (ILO)Development of a SOP on addressing decent work conditions on board fishing vessels within the fishing industry. The SOP minutely lays out and defines the role of each relevant GOSA department mandated with the inspection of fishing vessels, and the supplementary roles of trade unions, civil society organizations, and other relevant partners that also provide support in identifying and addressing red flags on board national and foreign fishing vessels, and provide victim support services. And it sets an entry level standard for inspection / joint inspection of vessels as per legislative requirements; assistance with cases where working conditions are not as per industry standards; and assistance with forced labour cases.
- 2023The Green SideResearch, conceptualization and development of scripts and visual cues for two series of online courses. Voice-over narration of the content is supported by strong visual cues as an avatar guides the participant through the content. The courses will be ‘pay for use’ and available on an international online platform.
- 2022Crystal Education & Training – quality management learner guide development and trainingTechnical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college staff are enriched by quality management training on materials developed, facilitated, and supported by Intelesi. This aims to institutionalise the pursuit of quality within the colleges for the benefit of all stakeholders.
- 2022Crystal Education & Training - quality manual enrichmentThe enrichment of the content of a quality manual with academic research, theory, practical tasks/activities, and templates, goes a long way to guide and assist readers on their quality journey.
- 2022Crystal Education & Training – development within Life OrientationInnovative methodologies for the broad subject of Life Orientation aim to assist LO teachers to maximise teaching opportunities as they create linkages and use new skills.
- 2022MGSLG (Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance) – editing academic papers & reports for publicationEditing and proofreading academic papers and reports before publication ensures that undetected errors are corrected timeously, resulting in publications of higher quality and readability.
- 2022International Labor Organization (ILO) – statement of interest preparationIntelesi assisted the ILO with the preparation of a response to a Joint Trafficking in Persons Committee, for funding for projects to act against trafficking in persons.
- 2021-2022National School of Government (NSG) - The Green EconomyThe environmental crisis cannot be denied, and an online green economy course with a practical, workplace-based component has been designed and developed to inform, educate, and encourage the public sector to make a difference within their jobs.
- 2021-2022National School of Government (NSG) - The Green EconomyThe environmental crisis cannot be denied, and an online green economy course with a practical, workplace-based component has been designed and developed to inform, educate, and encourage the public sector to make a difference within their jobs.
- 2021Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) - Values Behaviour Change Management ProjectA bold plan to change values behaviour within the RSR was done by way of facilitated virtual staff engagement discussions and workshops, and a series of online interviews. Ultimately, RSR values behaviours were devolved and scenarios informed animations and other tools to integrate the behaviours into the everyday conduct of staff. An awareness campaign further entrenched long-term change.
- 2021 & 2022TOPS Creative Solutions – proofreading, copy-editing and copy writingProvided regular services for TOPS’ high profile clients’ advertising, social media, and internal publications.
- 2021TOPS Creative Solutions – Liebherr newsletter Winter Edition 2021Conducted interviews and wrote engaging articles for the newsletter.
- 2021VVOB - Keep it Cool: Climate Change Education ProjectSets of well researched, designed, and developed infographic handbooks and a poster serve to inform, guide, and inspire teachers and SLTs to strongly weave important climate change issues into their curriculum activated teaching and learning programmes.
- 2020Crystal Education & Training – GBV booklet: @iamkaraboIntelesi assisted with the development of the booklet that contributes to the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) in South Africa. It deals explicitly and frankly with this scourge by way of a four-pillar strategy, with strong community involvement.
- 2020Crystal Education & Training - Methodist Church leadership training manualIntelesi added contextual and historical information to enhance a training manual for some members of the Methodist Church of South Africa, to develop gender sensitive leaders.
- 2020International Organization for Migration (IOM) – online training of the Victims of Trafficking (VoT) Standard Operating ProcedureThe participative webinars were intended to inform the participants, encourage them to prepare for their sessions, and to assess their knowledge of the SOP. It required the collaboration of the various departments to ensure the effective implementation of the SOP.
- 2020International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Victims of Trafficking Standard Operating ProcedureThe development of the VoT SOP for Government officials (from DHA, DoH, DEL, DSD) is supported by the manuals prepared for each department. and incorporates the requirements of vital new legislation and procedures. This work is vital to ensure effectiveness in the fight against trafficking in persons; international funding; and enhanced collaboration between related departments.
- 2020National School of Government (NSG) - The Art of Facilitating Socio-Economic Engagement: Traditional Leaders handbookThe role of traditional leaders is vital, and the participatory socio-economic engagement booklet covers all aspects of working in and with their communities. Practical activities add value to the handbook, which is easy to follow and fully supported by the facilitators’ guide.
- 2020National School of Government (NSG) – Community Development Workers (CDW) facilitator guideThe facilitators’ guide for the Art of Facilitating Participatory Community Engagement course guides facilitators as they help CDWs to develop practical skills and gain useful knowledge about operating in often difficult circumstances.
- 2020National School of Government (NSG) - The Art of Facilitating Socio-Economic Engagement: Traditional Leaders handbookThe role of traditional leaders is vital, and the participatory socio-economic engagement booklet covers all aspects of working in and with their communities. Practical guidance, useful hints, and relevant templates help them to be effective and efficient leaders.
- 2020Training Force - COVID-19: Risk and Management short courseThe onset of COVID-19 required urgent online training for a variety of participants in the workplace. Online content guided by voice-over; some video content; infographics; and online assessments ensured coverage of the vital aspects of COVID-19 risk and management when it was needed most – at the start of the pandemic.
- 2019Crystal Education & Training - student support services handbookProviding a comprehensive student support services handbook for a community college ensured that students would be well informed about all aspects of college.
- 2019International Organization for Migration (IOM) – curriculum on Trafficking in Persons in the South African contextTrafficking in Persons is a bigger problem than most people realise, and SA is committed to reducing/eliminating this crime. Various departments need to be familiar with and adhere to new laws and procedures in this regard. Intelesi developed new manuals (following work done in 2009), and provided train-the-trainer workshops for each of the four departments (DHA, DoH, DEL, and DSD) on Trafficking in Persons. The extensive training that took place subsequently contributed to SA’s improved rating of Tier 2 on the US Watchlist in 2020. Sadly, SA was downgraded to the Tier 2 Watchlist in 2021, due to changes within the NPA, and the impact of COVID on departmental activities.
- 2019National School of Government (NSG) - The Art of Facilitation: Participatory Community Engagement: Community DevelopmentA participatory community engagement booklet and programme that covered all aspects of working in and with communities provides useful information, tips, and templates for those working under challenging conditions.
- 2019TFG (The Foschini Group) - Store Manager/Area Manager Development ProgrammeOnline training on TFG Employee Relations utilised a concise PowerPoint format, with hyperlinks to further relevant content and explanations, providing relevant information accessibly and conveniently.
- 2018-2019Urban Earth - GIZ Adaptation materialsIt is imperative to adapt how we do things and what we do, in light of the impacts of climate change. New materials supplement other compulsory national training materials.
- 2018Innovative Cancer Care Foundation/Access to Innovative Care Foundation (ICCF/AICF) - Chemotherapy SAfety programmeOngoing training for oncology professionals is necessary to ensure their development and awareness of all aspects of cancer patient care.
- 2018ICG (International Colleges Group) - Grade 10 and Grade 12 CAPS assessmentsDeveloped assessments to supplement ICGSA study guides, to exacting requirements.
- 2018Mass Discounters - category leadership immersion programmeDesigned, developed, and facilitated a change programme for old and new employees appointed into a new organisational structure within Mass Discounters.
- 2018National School of Government (NSG) - communication handbook reviewGovernment employees benefited from a workshop around communication within and across departments, supported by an updated and refined handbook.
- 2018National School of Government (NSG) – Coaching for Leadership Development (CLD)Developed a facilitator guide for the CLD programme to ensure optimum teaching and learning.
- 2018TFG (The Foschini Group) - Store Manager/Area Manager Development ProgrammeComprehensive learning materials aimed at practical learning for managers who need to be fully aware of requirements, policies, and procedures for all areas of their work.
- 2018Urban Earth – UNDP Lesotho staff training on reducing vulnerability to climate change (RVCC)The aim of the project was to train employees of the Lesotho Ministry of Forestry, Range and Soil Conservation’s socio-economic unit to reduce vulnerability to climate change in the region.
- 2017Innovative Cancer Care Foundation/Access to Innovative Care Foundation (ICCF/AICF) - induction to cancer care for nursesThe induction programme for oncology nurses was at the appropriate level, accessible, and maximally useful for their Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
- 2017MGSLG (Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance) - IQMSThis integrated quality management system was developed to move teachers from compliance with the IQMS to implementing improvement in practise. Intelesi quality assured, and project managed the project within tight time frames.
- 2017ICG (International Colleges Group) - Grade 10 and Grade 12 CAPS study guidesThese study guides provided support and guidance to distance learners throughout the completion of their qualification.
- 2017-2018Educor - introduction to teaching and learning in higher educationThis was an online programme that aimed to equip new lecturers/lecturers with no formal training in teaching/facilitation to teach in higher education, covering essential elements of effective teaching and learning.
- 2017-2018Educor – education qualification developmentAchieving accreditation for a range of education qualifications is a complex process that requires adherence to specific requirements of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Council on Higher Education (CHE), and the South African Qualifications Authority.
- 2017-2018National School of Government (NSG) - Mentoring Skills for Supervisors (MSS)This blended learning programme aimed to support supervisors/managers in mentoring employees going through the Compulsory Induction Programme (CIP). Peer Learning Exchanges (PLEs) as a collaborative platform for the exchange of ideas was introduced.
- 2017-2018SAIDE - Adv.Dip.Ed. Leadership and Management SLM (Principalship)This qualification is compulsory for all aspirant school principals and is accredited by seven universities, in a blended mode of delivery. Intelesi developed several of the modules.
- 2017-2018TFG (The Foschini Group) – quality management systemThe Quality Management System (QMS) and customised (NQF Level 2) learning content were part of a Wholesale and Retail Operations qualification to be provided by TFG as an accredited training provider.
- 2017-2019Educor – education qualification content developmentThe development of a wide range of content for qualifications requires meticulous project management; subject matter expertise; excellent writing; adherence to standards and requirements; and quality control.
- 2017-2020National School of Government (NSG) – compulsory induction programme (CIP)This extensive programme is essential for the confirmation of probation of all public servants. It is intended to inform and induct newly appointed public servants at each level, in a highly customised and understandable manner.
- 2015Mine Health Safety Council (MHSC) - Campaign against sexual harassment in minesThe campaign around sexual harassment in mines was informed by extensive research across 25 mines, following which a video was created that is distributed to all mines, providing a process for dealing with sexual harassment.
- 2013-2014Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Environmental Affairs – guidelines to enhance sectoral potentialGuidelines in the form of a small business toolkit were developed for specific sections within the forestry sector to enhance the potential of enterprises and roll out pilot training programmes. The sectors were beekeeping, charcoal, sawmilling, and tree growing.
- 2012MGSLG (Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance) – School Governing Body ToolkitThis toolkit aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities and support newly appointed school governing body members, to ensure that they are fully empowered to approach this important function.